March 8, 2013

About LoveLuckLustLife, Commenting Rules

This blog was created as a space for thoughts, dreams, and....

Fuck it. This is a safe-but-incredibly-public home for the author's venting, joy, sex discussions, stories, observations and experiences. As such, it's viewable only to adults. If you're reading this and you're a minor, you've already lied about your age to the Blogger age-verification and must GTFO now. Come back when you're old enough.

This blog has rules for commenting, too:
* Abusive speech, hate speech, slander, and trolling are not tolerated and there is a no-warning rule. That means not calling people names or insulting them based upon gender, orientation, color, creed (or lack thereof), age, ability/disability/mental or physical illness, relationship status, victim status or life experience. Violators' comments will be removed and the commenter blocked. Resulting comments may also be edited.
RULE OF THUMB: Don't feed the trolls. Ignore them. One warning will be given via author comment for feeding them prior to a private message being sent to feeders. That's a feeder's two warnings prior to banning. We appreciate discussion and don't tolerate enabling hate. De-railing is not permitted; we'll try to get things back on track if that occurs.

*Being a 'safe space' and an adult blog, subjects may sometimes be sensitive. These topics will be noted by TW (trigger warning) in the subject, followed by the reason for the warning. Since it's a full-page feed, however, the entire post will be visible. Please use your discretion and read the subject before the post itself.

*Occasional cross-posting with other bloggers will be posted. Due credit and links to source blogs will always be given; "credit where credit is due" is the right thing to do. Occasional guest posters may visit, too, and their opinions are theirs, not LLLL's. Bylines, as well as blog titles, will note guest posts.

*While Love is the M.O. around here, some vitriol will sometimes be present within posts. There is balance in everything, and this space is no exception. What might appear to be adversarial, hypocritical or confused posts may well be the author "thinking out loud." We'll try to let you know when that's the case, but cannot guarantee it.

*Stories and experiences here are told anonymously. Names,cities and other distinct identifiers are changed. If you think you see your story here and don't like it, too bad. The authors have sole custody of this baby, and take care not to "out" people who aren't doing anything illegal. (We skip publicity and contact authorities for stories containing illegal actions.) If you swear up, down and sideways that we're telling a story about you and you don't want to be identified, tough: it's not always about you.

*We are not professional anythings: we're not attorneys, doctors or mental health professionals. Please refer any questions to the proper professionals. Requests for information will often be honored, however. Any and all threats to anyone's personal safety, including commenters posting suicidal ideation or threats, will be reported to the proper folks who can help. If you're struggling to that degree, please call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

*Text speech is not allowed here. Use full words and sentences. Emoticons are welcome, but not as the sole characters in comments; use them for emphasis only.

*All links in comments will be moderated. We have the right to remove them for any reason, at any time if we don't like them.

It seems like a lot, but it's really a detailed version of this: use common sense and have a heart.